Youth hostel Supporting a Youth Hostel Creation Plan

Supporting a Youth Hostel
Creation Plan

The LFAJ, with its expertise and the skill of the network members, has set up a procedure for consideration and support for anyone leading a plan to create or to renovate a Youth Hostel.

This may be an association, a regional collectivity, a cooperative…

The support may operate at various levels depending on requirements.

How to create a Youth Hostel activity within an existing structure (Sports centres, Family homes, rural residences, homes for young workers, youth centres and cultural centres with accommodation and others…) or simply construction of a new facility.

Project analysis, feasibility study, opportunity, support and collaboration with various participants, such as architects in development of the specific characteristics of the Youth Hostels, or even assistance to future managers form part of our fields of competence

Advice, and help with choosing the legal status of the manager…

We have created a support agreement that facilitates development of each project.

To finf out more, contact head office
67, rue Vergniaud
75013 – PARIS

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