Youth hostel How to join the LFAJ Network ?

Why do you want to join the French League of Youth Hostels (LFAJ) network ?

Wanting to join the historic YOUTH HOSTELS network is an independent voluntary action.

A Youth Hostel is, first and foremost, a collective accommodation structure where reception, meeting and exchange, for nearly 90 years, have been our everyday practices.
The hostel is involved in the local landscape, and is visibly active in Tourism FOR ALL.


By affiliating with the LFAJ network :

  • You are part of a volontary national network of Youth Hostels known and
    recognised by the Secretary of State for Youth whilst remaining independent in your own management.
  • You give your hostel the benefit of promotion using our communication tools, Internet site, hardcopy guide, shared promotion actions…
  • The LFAJ keeps you informed of any administrative and legislative developments in the field of accommodation and hosting for young people.
  • The LFAJ allows members to discuss their practices at General Meetings.
  • You ensure that AJISTES profit from LFAJ partnerships.

And even MORE …


To join the LFAJ

The Youth Hostel or future Youth Hostel that wishes to join the LFAJ network must meet SOME conditions:

  • Being managed by: an association, a public establishment, a municipal management, a mixed mutual or cooperative company, an establishment in the social economy sector
  • Having a minimum of 15 “Youth Hostel Hosting” beds open all year except in places with specific criteria.
  • Welcoming groups and individuals
  • Presenting transparency criteria for its activities
  • Having a level of comfort and services that meet the criteria of the regulations in force
  • Offering tourist, cultural, sporting and other activities, etc.

To find out more, contact head office :
67, rue Vergniaud
75013 – PARIS

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